Saturday, May 30, 2015

Myself as a Leader of Limkokwing University Essay


1.     Introduction
"No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it" [1]
The above quote by Andrew Carnegie is the philosophy that guides me as I take up the responsibility of the Limkokwing University.  Leadership is a quality that can be obtained by self-determination of a person.  A true leader seeks to inspire the people who work under him and make them strive to do more out of their roles and responsibilities.
As I take on the reins of the Limkokwing University, it would be my privilege to provide a brief glimpse into the overall scope of this university.  This university was setup in the year 1991 as an international university.  Now it has a global presence in over 3 continents.  As of today, around 30000 students are studying in this university which includes international students from over 150 countries across the world.  Today, this university operates 12 campuses and offers a host of courses in varied fields [2].  And all this has been accomplished in a period of just over 2 decades.
2.     Primary Goals & Objectives
As a new leader of Limkokwing University, I have set up some primary goals which are on the top of the list and absolutely vital to the progress of the university.

·         Build technology sophistication - As the Limkokwing University embarks on its journey in the 21st century, the primary objective is to adopt technology in all aspects of its operations such as selection process, admission process, lecture deliveries and student placement process.
·         Refine Study Mediums - The thrust should be towards providing knowledge to students not only for earning money but to make the students better in whatever they choose to do in their career.  Industry partnerships would be leveraged along with a higher thrust on the quality of the selection process for the faculty members.

·         Build a thriving learning culture - Learning does not only come from the specific courses opted by the student.  Learning is obtained from exposing the student's mind to a multitude of ideas and concepts which they can utilize later in their life to solve problems and innovate.  Our university is uniquely poised in this regard since under a single roof students are able to get a flavor of many different knowledge areas as they interact with students across different courses and across nations.  My goal is to inspire this learning atmosphere by providing students with the opportunity to engage with students from other fields and also make them equipped to handle the challenges of a globalized world.

·         Build industry & corporate partnerships - Practical trainings form a major part of the study curriculum and there is no better way to gain actual knowledge about an area of study than to experiment and understand.  Strong industry partnerships and corporate brands expose the students to real world expectations from the security of college life.  This equips them to interact at far more mature level with prospective employers in the future and imparts a level of confidence to them.   Each student would be required to visit industries and prepare real life case studies to gain greater understanding of their respective domains.

·         Provide 100% Placement - A well-trained mind should not be idle and hence one of the most important agendas on my list is to provide appropriate placement to each and every student of this university in an organization that suits the dreams and aspiration of the students.  For this our strong industry and corporate partnerships would play a key role wherein recruiters and students can find their match.  My goal is to provide that environment.

·         Research & Development - No good university becomes the best without investing in research activities geared towards solving the important problems that face our society.  After all, universities are places where young creative minds can engage in meaningful ways to create an amalgamation of ideas.  My aim is to build a global research and development division in the university which can act as a cauldron pot for innovation.  A sizable investment would be made to build a state-of-the-art research division.

3.     Areas of Improvement
Even though our university is an amazing place to learn and grow but still there are a number of areas where improvement is required.

·         Increase Process Uniformity - The university operates campus operates 12 campuses across a varied number of regions [2].  Managing such a vast institution where over 30,000 candidates take admission to build their careers is not an easy task.  At times, our processes in terms of selections, scholarships and fees have been far from uniform.  This hits our credibility in a big way and is one of the primary improvements that I would like to strive towards in this year.

·         Increase Cleanliness Across Campuses - Again this is something which is quite evident in itself and normally it is expected to be an obvious thing to take care of.  However, there have been cases of un-hygienic food and lack of cleanliness in some of our campuses leading to students falling sick.  This area needs to be improved as quickly as possible.

·         Provide Benefits to Faculty - A world-class university is not built by buildings or infrastructure but by the quality of its faculty.  Off-late it has been noticed that some of our faculty members are not satisfied with the working conditions and the pay.  This is one area we need to improve on if we dream to make this the best university in the world.

4.     Conclusion
Taking into consideration all of the above mentioned goals and objectives, it is necessary to add that to achieve all of them support from each and every member of this university is required whether it be students or faculty or other staff. 
Working on the areas of improvement are the key factors that would provide us a path to fulfill our goals and objectives.  Even though the university needs to be recover its expenses and generate a profit but it should not be our primary goal.  Institutions of learning have a far bigger role to play in the development of nations and Limkokwing University is in an extremely important position to drive change and inspire innovation.
5.     References
[1] 2014. Leadership With You. [ONLINE]      Available at:    leadership.html. [Accessed 29 May 15].
[2] 2015. limkokwing-university. [ONLINE] Available at:      university.html. [Accessed 29 May 15]

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

LUCT Logical Mind Map


Leadership Logical Mind Map


This drawing illustrates the Internet in the form of a human brain. You can find out a lot of similarities just by looking at this picture. For example, both have various attributes and each part specializes in certain things.

Random Words Assossciation

Problem statement:
How is WWW equal to a brain?

The Random Word:

The Link:
Nervous System, Cables, Wireless Signals, Computers, Source, Energy

The brain sends and receives information in the form of electrical signals that move in the nervous system. The Internet works in the same way, but with cables and wireless equipment.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Essay on www = Brain

How is "www", or the World Wide Web, related to the brain?  The human brain is a very complex subject that can lead to so many different ideas when you try to analyze it, and the way it works. The first words that come up to mind when thinking of the brain are probably "thought" or "mind". So, the most obvious relation we can come up with is that the brain came up with, or thought of, the www, commonly known as the Internet.

The Internet and the Brain also function in a somewhat similar way. The brain is a network of cells, and it sends electrical signals through the nerve cells to give various commands to the body parts, both voluntarily and involuntary. The Internet is a network of electronic devices: PC's, routers, mobiles, and so on. The Internet exchanges data between these devices by sending and receiving electrical signals through cables and wireless technologies.

The brain is what allows people to remember things that they have seen, listened to, or otherwise felt in the past. This is called memory. Short-term memory is a small area of storage where people store important information that they use regularly. This includes words, objects that we often see in our lives, and commonly heard sounds. Long-term memory is deeper inside the brain, and it sometimes requires a lot of time to dig deep enough to a specific memory. Computers work in a very similar way. They store frequently (and currently) used data in fast access storages, like RAM and CPU Cache. Other data is stored in non-volatile storage mediums like HDD's and SSD's.

The Internet is the largest network in the world. The Internet connects computer devices by allowing them to send and receive information. In a way, the human brain is very similar to computer networks. It connects different people and aid their communication by allowing them to do actions like speaking and listening.

Another interesting point of relation is the fact that the brain and Internet are both contradictory and unpredictable. You can find all kind of conflicting and contradicting information in the Internet, just like you sometimes think of completely opposite things. The Internet and the Brain both never stop functioning. There's always somebody using the Internet, just like your brain is always doing something as long as you are still alive. They are also both independently governed. The Internet is not owned or controlled by anyone and is completely independent. The brain as well is solely governed by itself and functions independently. Finally, they are both practically infinite. The Internet has countless pages, users, and services, as does the brain have countless thoughts and feelings.

To conclude, the Internet and brain are much more similar than some people think. The two have been compared since the advent of the Internet, and different comparisons have lead to different results, but the one thing that everyone agrees upon is their complexity and infinite potential.

Chapter 2 Exercise


1. Choose 3 pairs of numbers:


2. Write out the combination of six words

Duck Tree
Ice Water
Fire Rain

3. Create a sentence using the two words

The ducks are hiding within the trees.

The ice cubes are floating on the water.

The fire is has been calmed down by the rain.

4. Find a picture that describes each sentence

Brain Logical Mind Map

WWW Logical Mind Map


Name and ID


Mohamed Mahmood Jawad Mohamed Alaali